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320 results:
  • Multilateral Engagement Working Group

    Multilateral Engagement Working Group One of the primary objectives of the GRC is to actively facilitate and promote bilateral and multilateral collaboration among participant organisations, with…

  • Regional Meetings

    Regional Meetings of the GRC 2023 Regional Meetings Region Location Host Date Americas Buenos Aires Argentina CONICET (Argentina) ANID…

  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group

    Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group The EDI Working Group continues the work of the Gender Working Group formed in 2017 to contribute to implementing the Statement of Principles…

  • Governing Board

    Governing Board Governing Board GRC participants confer on the Governing Board primary responsibility for: Developing the appropriate processes and identifying procedures required for…

  • Sangare

    Since 2007, Dr Sangare has been the Executive Secretary of the Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique (PASRES), one of the main structures for supporting research and innovation…

  • Salamone

    Dr. Daniel Salamone is Principal Investigator of CONICET and Director of the Animal Biotechnology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is a veterinary…

  • Global Research Council Seeking Hosts for 2024 Regional Meetings

    Global Research Council Seeking Hosts for 2024 Regional Meetings INVITATION TO HOST 2024 REGIONAL MEETINGS Global Research Council (GRC) participant organisations are invited to submit bids to…

  • News

    News 2026 May–June   14ᵗʰ Annual Meeting 2026 2025 May 18-22 13ᵗʰ Annual Meeting 2025 2024 May 27-31 12ᵗʰ…

  • GRC 12th Annual Meeting 2024

    GRC 12th Annual Meeting 2024 It has been announced that the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and the Fonds pour la Science, la Technologie et l'Innovation (FONSTI) will host the 12th GRC…