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Call for expression of interest to join GRC Working Group on Multilateral Engagement

The Global Research Council (GRC) is seeking expressions of interest from representatives from GRC participating organisations who are interested in joining a new GRC Working Group on Multilateral Engagement.

In a dedicated side event at the GRC Annual Meeting in Panama in May 2022 as well as sessions at the GRC Regional Meetings in November and December 2022, GRC participants agreed that the primary role of the GRC should be a platform to discuss principles of research funding. However, GRC participants recognise there are gaps and challenges to be considered in the global research arena. Apart from actively facilitating multilateral collaboration, participants valued the convening power of the GRC, both at a regional and global level. Thus, there is room for the GRC to enhance its role as a network of and framework for funders. A frequently mentioned modus operandi was for the GRC to become an active broker for multilateral engagement opportunities.

The GRC Governing Board therefore has established a GRC Working Group on Multilateral Engagement (MLE-WG) with a mandate:

  1. To map the landscape of available multilateral funding mechanisms/programmes globally,
  2. To scope possible roles for the GRC in facilitating multilateral engagement,
  3. To develop options for respective implementations and a roadmap to achieve them.


The MLE-WG has an initial 1-year term. The working group shall be comprised of a group of representatives from GRC participating organisations reflecting gender and regional balance and be co-chaired by representatives from the Global North and the Global South. The group shall be reasonably sized in order to guarantee efficiency.

Candidates for membership in the working group should demonstrate:

  • relevant expertise in setting up multilateral frameworks for research collaboration,
  • a keen interest in promoting the topic within the GRC,
  • be committed to actively contribute to the working group including its meetings,
  • the support of the head of the respective GRC participating organisation, including necessary staff time and the means to participate in the working group meetings.

Expressions of interest should include:

  • A statement of interest and motivation in becoming a member of the working group
  • A brief curriculum vitae (1 page maximum)
  • Contact information

Expressions of interest should be sent to the GRC Executive Secretariat (grc@fapesp.br) by 07 May 2023.

A kick-off meeting of the MLE-WG will be held on 1 June 2023 on the sidelines of the GRC Annual Meeting in The Hague.