The 9th Annual Meeting for the Global Research Council (GRC), originally scheduled to take place in Durban, South Africa was held virtually from 24-28 May 2021.
The co-hosts, the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), along with the GRC Governing Board, have agreed to postpone the 9th Annual Meeting from 2020 to 2021 with a virtual format in response to the global pandemic.
Please find below a high-level summary of the virtual programme for the Annual Meeting:
The final programme of the Annual Meeting can be found here.
A summary of the Annual Meeting can be found here.
17 May
Meeting of the Partnered Research Programmes Working Group
Meeting of the Gender Working Group
18 May
Meeting of the Executive Support Group (ESG)
19-20 May
GRC Regional Meetings
MENA | 19 May | |||
Sub-Saharan Africa | 19 May | |||
Americas | 20 May | |||
Asia-Pacific | 20 May | |||
Europe | 20 May |
20 May
STFC-NRF Workshop on Research Infrastructures
21 May
Meeting of the Governing Board
Meeting of the International Steering Committee (ISC)
DAY 1: MONDAY, 24 MAY 2021
Opening Remarks and Welcome Message
Keynote: Global futures, multilateralism, and the science community’s response towards transition
Session 1: Mission-Orientated Research
Opening Remarks
including a presentation of the Statement of Principles on Mission-Oriented Research
Keynote: The Context and Renewed Focus of Mission Research – Impacts for Funders
Facilitated Panel Discussion: Strategies Towards Action
Open Discussion: GRC Participants
Funding Science Missions for Sustainability
GRC Multilateral Engagements and Innovation
DAY 2: TUESDAY, 25 MAY 2021
Session 2: Public Engagement
Opening Remarks – including a presentation of the Statement of Principles on Public Engagement
Keynote: The Criticality of Engaging With and For Science
Facilitated Panel Discussion: Strategies Towards Action
Open Discussion: GRC Participants
Launch of Case Study Book: 21st Century Public Engagement and Mission-Orientated Research: Advancing Sustainable Futures for All
Dialogue: Promoting the Equality and Status of Women in Research
Session 3: How the World Will Be Different
GRC Regional Meetings on Emergency Responses
Keynote Speaker
Panel Discussion: The Role of Science and Funding Agencies in Addressing the Pandemic
Session 4: GRC Strategy and Reporting (1)
Context and Focus of the GRC Vision
Break-out Groups – Round 1: Actions Towards the Development and Implementation of the
GRC's Vision and Roadmap: Discussion in Break-out Groups
- The GRC’s Strategic Communication Strategy for Impact
- The GRC’s Stakeholder Engagement Approach
- GRC Models to Support Collaboration
Session 5: GRC Strategy and Reporting (2)
Opening Remarks
Reporting from the GRC Working Groups
Science Diplomacy Workshop Report
Responsible Research Assessment
Break-out Groups – Round 2:
Actions Towards the Development and Implementation of the GRC's Vision and Roadmap: Discussion in Break-out Groups
- The GRC’s Strategic Communication Strategy for Impact
- The GRC’s Stakeholder Engagement Approach
- GRC Models to Support Collaboration
DAY 5: FRIDAY, 28 MAY 2021
Session 6: GRC Strategy and Reporting (3)
Reporting from Group Discussions:
Actions Towards the Development and Implementation of the GRC's Vision and Roadmap
Open Discussion and Way Forward
Reports by the Chairperson of the GRC Governing Board and Executive Secretary
2022 GRC Annual and Regional Meeting Announcements and Invitation to the 10th Annual Meeting
Closing Remarks